
Philosophy Of The Sensual: How Camus Escaped Absurdity | Modern Mojo

To give reason to life is a hard proposition to those philosophers that have declared the meaninglessness of it all. But philosopher Albert Camus found a way out by focusing on the sensual experience of living. Read on to find out how you can deepen the meaning of your own life in the same way.…

What is a Sensualist? | Sensualanimist

Human beings have a multitude of senses. In addition to the traditionally recognized five senses of sight (ophthalmoception), hearing (audioception), taste (gustaoception), smell (olfacoception or olfacception), and touch (tactioception), other senses include temperature (thermoception), kinesthetic sense (proprioception), balance (equilibrioception) and acceleration (kinesthesioception). What constitutes a sense is a matter of some debate, leading to difficulties……


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